
I am not a person who appreciates people who show off their charitable giving, as though the only reason to give is to be seen doing it. I hate charity events where the event cost more money than what’s was raised. Don’t use a charitable as an excuse to throw a party, just give to a cause you’re inspired by and throw a party for the sake of throwing a party.     

Not surprisingly I am inspired by horses and my dogs so it is the right thing to do to donate all the profits from all merchandise sold to charities I feel are making a difference. As someone with two rescued pitbulls I believe in the power of dog rescue. Unlike most who only see rescue as rescuing living dogs I see rescue about rescuing the living and the potentially living. Spay and neuter is not as glamorous as other types of rescue activity but I believe it to be way more critical. I think of it as investing in the reduction of future suffering. Stand Up For Pits does amazing work through their Angel Day outreach and funding for spay and neuter, Rebecca you are truly amazing.      

In America we glamorize the wild horse, and rightly so. Unfortunately, just because horses and burros are living out in the open and free does not mean they do not face immense challenges. You would not send your kid to school and then never help them or guide through challenges, so too with the wild horses and burros. If you take the time to learn about our wild horses and burros you will see it would be negligent to leave them to their own devices and with no advocacy. I work with horses everyday and I believe the more horses we have in our lives the better humans we will be.

This is a start.

- Karl Cook


The Stand Up For Pits Foundation is a 501c3 non-profit dedicated to saving lives and ending the abuse and discrimination of Pit Bull “type” dogs (Pibbles) through live events, funds, education and advocacy. We don’t limit the way we advocate or save lives. We believe in new ways, new thinking and new change, and are committed to empowering others to do the same until abuse and discrimination against our beautiful Pit Bull type dogs ends.

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The American Wild Horse Campaign (AWHC) is a nonprofit organization fighting to ensure the future of America's iconic wild horses and burros and the Western public lands where they roam. We work to reform the cruel and costly federal wild horse and burro roundup program and replace it with humane management that keeps wild horses and burros wild, protected, and free. AWHC manages the largest, humane fertility control program for wild, free-roaming horses in the world.

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